Our community is headed up by six elected city council members and an elected mayor that hopes to better our community by helping our community grow and flourish with all the benefits our small town has to offer.
They meet at the City Auditorium on the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm. Anyone is welcome to attend to discuss concerns they may have about their community or to listen in on where their community is going.
If you would like to be added to a city council meeting please call the city office at 701-843-7828.
Josh Gaebe Cell: 701-390-2523

Delton Kautzman Cell: 701-226-9507

Chad Goetzfridt Cell: 701-226-1280

Perrin Geotzfridt Cell: 701-202-2607

Corey Lausch Cell: 701-516-7976

Bryan Moen Cell: 320-220-2111

Sheppard Olsen Cell: 701-425-9333